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BCRA > Structure > UKCCEF Constitution

UKCCEF Constitution. Original version approved by NCA AGM 26.04.83 and BCRA AGM 1983. This version approved by BCRA Council 18.11.07 after a ballot of members.

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The United Kingdom Cave Conservation Emergency Fund, hereinafter called the Fund, shall be a charitable Fund administered by the British Cave Research Association (BCRA) as a Full Member of the British Caving Association (BCA).


The objectives of the Fund shall be to support, by loan or grant, projects which further the conservation of caves and cave features as set out in detail below, wherein all reference to a cave or cave feature are intended to include historic mines, caves and other places of speleological interest within the United Kingdom.

  1. To assist in the publication of material intended to promote the conservation of caves and features therein or the conservation of a specific site or group of caves.
  2. To assist with the physical protection of features within a specific cave or group of caves.
  3. To assist in works designed to maintain access to a cave or part of a cave, but not solely to assist exploration.
  4. To assist in the purchase of land or property, where such acquisition is intended to ensure the protection of, or maintenance of access to, a cave or caves.


The Fund is administered by a Committee of at least five voting members, chaired by one of their number, and a Treasurer. The Treasurer may be a member of the Committee, but is not required to be.

  1. A quorum is formed when over half the Committee is present (physically or by telephone- or e-conference). In the event that a vote of Committee members is equally split, the Treasurer has a casting vote.
  2. The Treasurer is responsible for all funds and must submit accounts annually to the Committee for approval. Once approved, the accounts are then reported to BCRA Council, and submitted to the BCA AGM for information.
  3. The Committee determines the application of funds and the terms of financial arrangements in respect of loans and grants, on which the Treasurer will advise, and reports annually to BCRA Council.
  4. The Committee establishes its own procedures with regard to receipt and consideration of award applications and for the conduct of business. To this end it should meet once a year (physically or by telephone- or e-conference) to review procedures if required, and must publish to BCRA Council the procedures it has agreed. BCRA Council must ratify any changes to the procedures before they come into effect.
  5. The Treasurer and Committee posts are entirely honorary. Travel expenses for attending Committee meetings should normally be borne by the nominating organisation(s) of each Committee member.
  6. Reasonable administrative expenses and advertising costs may be paid for by the fund if necessary.


  1. The Treasurer is appointed by BCRA Council for a three-year term and is eligible for reappointment.
  2. BCRA Council is able to cancel the appointment of the Treasurer and to appoint a replacement at any time.
  3. Committee members are appointed by BCRA Council, normally for a five-year term, from amongst candidates proposed and seconded by the BCA Regional Caving Councils. BCRA Council may also appoint one additional Committee member as its representative. Committee members who reach the end of their five year term are eligible for reappointment if they are again nominated by a BCA Regional Caving Council or BCRA Council.
  4. BCRA Council is able to cancel the appointment of a Committee member at any time. In the event that the number of Committee members should fall below five and no suitable nominations be forthcoming from the Regional Caving Councils, BCRA Council is entitled to fill the vacancy or vacancies.


Subject to the conditions below the committee may at any time make loans or grants out of the Fund to projects falling within the objectives set out in Section 2 if this critical to the project's viability.

  1. The committee may at any time sanction loans up to an individual value equalling 15% of the capital of the Fund, provided that the total of such loans does not exceed 50% of the capital of the Fund at any one time.
  2. Loans may be made for limited periods, on which, at the committee's discretion, interest may be charged up to a rate which the Treasurer could reasonably obtain by investment. A clear and binding undertaking as to the manner and rate o f repayment must be entered into by all parties.
  3. The Committee may at any time award a grant not exceeding 5% of the capital of the Fund provided that not more than two such awards are made in any twelve months.
  4. With the prior consent of the BCRA Council through the process set out in the standing orders of the Fund, the Committee may sanction a loan or grant exceeding the limits set out in 5a and 5c.
  5. The Committee should seek to attract further donations to the Fund, but may accept or reject specific offers at its discretion.


  1. The Constitution may only be altered subject to the provisions of these sub-clauses:
    1. The Constitution may only be altered by resolution of a properly convened and quorate general meeting of BCRA.
    2. Any proposal to amend the Constitution must be notified in writing to the Secretary of BCRA and be signed by the proposer and seconder to reach the BCRA Secretary not less than 56 days prior to the BCRA general meeting at which it will be considered. The notice of that meeting must include notice of the proposal, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed. The proposal will also be notified in writing to BCA Council for information.
    3. A resolution to amend the Constitution must be passed by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting of BCRA.
  2. The Fund may only be wound up subject to the provisions of these sub-clauses:
    1. The Fund may only be wound up by resolution of a properly convened and quorate general meeting of BCRA.
    2. Any proposal to wind up the Fund must be notified in writing to the Secretary of BCRA and be signed by the proposer and seconder to reach the BCRA Secretary not less than 56 days prior to the BCRA general meeting at which it will be considered. The notice of that meeting must include notice of the proposal. The proposal will also be notified in writing to BCA Council for information.
    3. A resolution to wind up the Fund must be passed by not less than four-fifths of the members present and voting at a general meeting of BCRA.

This document is version "UKCCEF Constitution 2007 v4.doc", created on Friday, 23 November, 2007. This text is based on version: "UKCCEF Constitution 2007 v3.doc", Aug. 2007, by Jo Whistler; as re-formatted for BCRA newsletter 8. It was approved by BCRA Council on 18 Nov 2007 following a ballot of members. Council then ruled that clauses 6.b.iv and 6.c should be deleted as they had no legal application to the constitution and could therefore be struck out without requiring a re-ballot.

Downloadable versions

Date URL Format Size Comments
2007 UKCCEF Constitution 2007 v4.doc MS Word 58K Based on "UKCCEF Constitution 2007 v3.doc", Aug. 2007, by Jo Whistler; as re-formatted for BCRA newsletter 8.
2007 UKCCEF Constitution 2007 v4.pdf PDF 40K PDF prepared from Word document by David Gibson

The information on this page was last updated 13 August 2008. The date in the footer below reflects minor changes for coding and presentation only.


British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828). Registered Office: Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG
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