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All items published by BCRA are copyright BCRA. Permission should be sought for storage or reproduction, with the following general exceptions...
Requests for storage or reproduction that do not fall into one of the above categories require explicit permission from BCRA. Please send us an email containing the necessary information, as outlined below. Note: please send this as email text, and not as an attached document. Please email the secretary (see Contacting Us) with...
Permission will usually be granted in the form of a non-exclusive licence, in perpetuity, to reproduce the requested material in any medium, provided that acknowledgement is given to BCRA along the following lines... 1) Figures, photos and similar material may be credited in a caption as, for example, "[BCRA]" or "[permission: BCRA]". 2) A full credit should be given at a suitable location in the publication, for example: "... is reproduced by permission of the British Cave Research Association,". 3) You may, if you wish, give the source material a Digital Object Identifier which we will give you.
Please note that permission is given by BCRA only to the extent that it owns any intellectual property right in the material. Additional rights may owned by the author. BCRA will contact the author on your behalf and, if there are any unforeseen difficulties, we will contact you subsequently.
BCRA's copyright in the typographical layout expires 25 years after publication. The author's own copyright lasts until 70 years after his death. This means that for material more than 25 years old, you do not need to contact BCRA for permission to reproduce, but you should still contact the author (or his estate). Clearly this could be difficult in some cases, but we will do our best to help. However, please note that BCRA cannot give you explicit permission to reproduce anything more than 25 years old because we no longer hold any copyright in such items.
Under English law, publications are copyrighted automatically and there is no need to declare copyright. However, most BCRA publications will include a copyright statement. Historically, this statement might simply say, copyright BCRA but the current form of the notice in our periodicals will usually be along the lines of the following text...
BCRA owns the copyright in the typographical layout of this publication. Additional copyright in the text, photographs and drawings may reside with the authors. Subject to statutory exception, no material may be reproduced by any method without permission of the copyright owners. The authors' opinions are not necessarily endorsed by the editor, nor the BCRA.
The form of the notice that accompanies our online content is...
BCRA owns the copyright in the typographical layout of its publications. Additional copyright in the text, photographs and drawings might reside with the authors. The copyright owners assert their Moral Rights to the maximum extent possible under the Design, Copyright and Patents Act 1988 and any applicable subsequent Acts. Subject to statutory exception and to the extent permitted in this notice no material may be reproduced by any method without permission of the copyright owners. Online publications may be downloaded into your local storage or printed for your personal use provided that you include all copyright statements and that you make no alterations to them and that you do not use any of the pages in any other work or publication however stored. The opinions of the authors are not necessarily endorsed by the editor, nor the BCRA. [ver. 07-Dec-2024]
The salient point, for users of BCRA's publications, is that the authors are not required to assign their copyright to BCRA. This means that BCRA is not the sole owner of the copyright. If you wish to reproduce articles from BCRA publications you must obtain permission from BCRA and from the authors. BCRA has never obtained a legal form of copyright assignment from its authors so any statement on copyright, even the broadly-worded copyright BCRA must be taken in the above context.
Information for Writers and Contributors: This section of this document has now been moved to a separate web page, see Information for Writers and Contributors
BCRA Council has agreed that specified copyright and licensing statements should appear in the masthead of all BCRA publications in a form that suitably conveys the information. Editors may wish to extend the statements to include additional guidelines and clarifications. See Form of words for BCRA's publications.
Electronic publication: BCRA Council requests that you make your present and future authors (and past authors too, where applicable) aware of these notes and that you ask them to acknowledge agreement (e.g. by email). Please note that it is insufficient to assume an agreement (e.g. statements such as "if you do not reply we will assume you agree to our conditions", or "if you submit your article we will assume you agree to our conditions" are not valid under English law.)
Orphaned works: On a related point concerning copyright, it would be most wise if you arranged for all photos and graphics to be credited to the author to avoid the situation of 'orphaned works'. See for further information.
Joint publication: BCRA has, on occasion, stated that it is the joint publisher or joint copyright owner of a work. Such a situation requires a legally drawn-up contract to assign ownership of the rights and so Council asks that no copyright statement of this sort is published without referring the matter to them.
A discussion on Surveys and Copyright by Andrew Atkinson can be found in Descent 274 (June/July 2020). An earlier article, which might be out-of-date now, appeared in Compass Points 11 (March 1996). If that link does not work, please go to Cave Surveying Group, follow the link to the online archive and read the article in Compass Points 11.
If you write or take photos professionally - i.e. not for BCRA which does not pay usually for material - then you might find these links interesting...
For information about legal deposit see
A good explanation of copyright law is given in
You may also be interested in CopyLeft, and in the Uncyclopedia's explanation of copyright, including copywrong, copyleft, copywrite, copyup, copydown, copyßoon, copyinverse, copyforward, copybackward, copylater, copyrecently, and copynever.
British Cave Research Association (UK
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