British Cave Monitoring Centre
Logger Status
Data collected at 03:22:02 on 18-Jan-2025 (View
History File)
Software version 2.2. File /home/bcra/public_html/data/logger_status.php (last modified 11:24:57 on 25-Oct-2022)
The TinyTag Gateway was mined for data at 03:22:02 on 18-Jan-2025, which was 04:47:10 ago.
This data can also be obtained directly, by visiting the TinyTag Gateway. One reason for
'mining' it and storing it on our server is that it allows us to write code to
(for example), send us an alert, via text message or email, if the logger
status should change. That is not yet implemented.
Another reason for mining
the data is that we can generate a history file to see if there were any
glitches. In that file, a "dot" on the final line is short-hand for "no
change". And, to make the lines of text shorter, the text "HAPPY" is replaced
by "ok".
The BCRA server is currently reporting that it cannot contact Pooles Cavern, so it is not
possible to report the loggers' status. You can still view the
logger status history log.
# |
Device |
BCRA Name |
Tinytag Description |
Tinytag Status |
Where that data comes from
- Device: Click on the Devices tab on the TinyTag Gateway index page to bring up the Devices Index, which lists the devices and their status.
- BCRA Name: This is obtained by cross-referencing the Device number to a master list of logger names at logger_names.txp. That list should be edited
(ask IT) when a logger is replaced or re-assigned.
- Tinytag Description: At the TinyTag Gateway index page, click on the Devices tab to bring up the Devices Index. Click on a Device Number and then click on its Datasheet link. In the table of data, the row device_description contains the Tinytag Description. If the datasheet link could not be found, this mining operation returns the string "not mined".
- Tinytag Status: See Device, above.
CRON settings
At the moment, a CRON setting causes the logger status data to be
collected as follows (E&OE). Please check with David Gibson to see if the CRON settings quoted below are still current.
CRON settings:
Times: 22 3,15 * * * (that is, those minutes, every hour)
Command: curl
Technical notes
- The file logger_status.html is
automatically generated by the above periodic CRON job, which executes the file
logger_status_now.html and writes its output to disc, as
- If you want to know the logger status in real time, just go to logger_status_now.html, but be prepared
for a wait of perhaps 30 seconds, whilst it fetches the data from the TinyTag
- The data you collect will not be transferred to
logger_status.html, which will continue to show the data from the last
time CRON was run. However, the results of your "ping" will be added to
the history file.
- Further debugging: (1) add the query string ?cron=test to avoid
mining TinyTag's files for the names of the loggers. This will speed up the
test quite a bit. Add ?cron=test&happy=no for force the loggers to
report as unhappy.
This page, was last modified on Sun, 16 Jun 2024 11:32:14 +0100
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