This page is part of the Cave Biology pages of the British Cave Research
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This is a first attempt to compile a full bibliography of all substantive works relating to the biology of subterranean habitats in the British Isles. It is a work in progress and is not yet complete. The current list has over 250 entries from 1853 to 2001. It is available as a list on this web page, as a text file for download, and as an Endnote 5 library for download for people with access to this bibliographic software (the bibliography was created in Endnote 5). Please let me know of works omitted from this list. If you use this list to prepare publications please add the following text at a relevant point in your document:
Bibliography of British subterranean biology ( Compiled by the BCRA Biological Recorder, Graham Proudlove, February 2002.
The database will be updated at irregular and possibly infrequent intervals. If you urgently need to know of updates please mail me (see BCRA: Contacting Us
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